Last night, I witnessed the culmination of our film's purpose in the passion of thousands of DFA members gathered at more than 700 "Inequality for All" Watch Parties across America. It was an amazing "movement moment" and I was thrilled to be a part of it -- and I know Sen. Elizabeth Warren was as well.
"Inequality for All" revealed how the size and scope of the wealth gap in America is shocking, immoral, and unsustainable. We learned what we are up against, and that's a big first step towards leveling the playing field for working families.
Now, we need to take the next step together and bring this fight to Main Streets everywhere. Through YouPower, Democracy for America's petition platform, you can start petitions to fight for real change on any issue that matters to you -- in just a matter of minutes. That makes it the perfect tool to kick this movement into high gear.
William, will you start a YouPower petition today to raise the minimum wage and help us bring the battle against income inequality to Venice?
Yes, I will start a YouPower petition to raise wages in my city or state.
No, but I will chip in $3 to help other DFA members go on offense against income inequality.
We can't afford to sit on the sidelines any longer. The wealth gap in America is widening by the day, and the threat to our economy and our democracy couldn't be more real or more immediate.
With the Tea Party grinding Washington into gridlock, we can't wait for Congress. Every state can set its own minimum wage and every city can choose to pay its workers more fairly -- if we put on the pressure and make them.
By winning state and local victories in the backyards of Tea Party Republicans and moderate Democrats we can build momentum from the ground up and prove to Washington that this is not an issue that can wait -- it's an issue that can and will decide elections now.
Our fantastic call last night with Sen. Warren was just the first step. Now, let's get to work fighting for fairer wages together. Will you start a YouPower petition right now to raise your local minimum wage?
Yes, I will start a YouPower minimum wage petition campaign today!
No, but I can donate $3 to help other DFA members fight income inequality.
Thank you for joining me in this fight, William. I can't wait to see what we can win working together.
Robert Reich
Former Secretary of Labor