Why we are striking against austerity in Europe | The panel

Wednesday 14 November 2012
European workers' representatives tell us their reasons for taking part in today's European day of action
Spain: Fernando Lezcano: 'The sacrifice is not being shared'
The European Trade Union Confederation has called a day of action and solidarity throughout Europe on 14 November to fight against the austerity policies being deployed throughout Europe. This day of action will mean a General Strike in this country, which, for the first time in recent history, will also be simultaneously held in other European countries.
In Spain, the recession is taking an incredible toll on the population. We have an intolerably high unemployment rate (more than 25%), the welfare state has been rapidly dismantled and public services and labour relations are deteriorating.
With this strike we want to change European policies, which only pay attention to the voices of the powerful. We also want to fight against employment reforms and a policy of dogmatic deficit reduction, which has brought us close to having 6 million unemployed.
Unemployment benefits are being cut. The unemployment rate among young people in Spain is over 50%, condemning our youth to social exclusion or emigration. The education cuts pushed through by the government are depriving many of any possibility of accessing higher education and force a classist, sexist and conservative education on them. The cuts in the health budget and the introduction of prescription charges mean that the most disadvantaged could be left outside the national health system, and the lack of budget provision for the dependent care law leaves thousands of people without appropriate care. As a result, thousands of families are pushed towards social exclusion.
The government's path is not the way to emerge from the crisis. The sacrifice is not being shared by the whole of society: the economic and financial elites are spared and some even benefit from it, protected by the government. Politicians are shamelessly defrauding the democratic process. This is why we will be striking.
• Fernando Lezcano is communications secretary and spokesman for the CCOO(Workers' Commissions)
Portugal: Armando Farias: 'We convey our solidarity'
Unemployment in Portugal already affects 1.4 million workers in a country of 10.5 million. We have some of the worst working conditions in Europe, and the cost of living is still going up while wages come down. Around 500,000 workers earn the national minimum salary (€432 a month after tax). More than 1 million pensioners survive on misery pensions (€200 to €300 per month). This general strike is occurring during a violent capitalist offensive, and for this reason it has very high political significance. Our aims are to stop recessionary policies, to demand the renegotiation of the debt, to defend national sovereignty, to defeat rightwing policies and to adopt a programme of development for our country.
Our strike motto is simple: "Against exploitation and impoverishment". We are fighting the measures contained in Portugal's 2013 draft state budget, and we are working against brutal tax increases that will mean cuts to income, both salaries and pensions. We also oppose the cuts in unemployment benefits, in sickness pay and other welfare benefits. As is the case elsewhere in Europe, we're against the destruction of the welfare state and the overwhelming destruction of jobs in public administration, which brings with it the dismantling, degradation and higher cost of public services.
With this in mind, we convey our solidarity with all of the European workers who will participate in this day of action.
• Armando Farias is head of the commission executive of the CGTP-IN (General Confederation of Portuguese Workers)
France: Bernard Thibault: 'End this downward spiral'
Today in France, more than 100 protests will take place across the country, following the call of five French unions.
Every day in Europe, austerity policies show their devastating effects and prevent any chance of recovery. By choosing austerity against solidarity, European governments, under pressure from the troika, are dealing a serious blow to the social ideal that should animate Europe.
The shock treatments inflicted on workers – particularly in Greece, Spain and Portugal – demonstrate the political impasse leading to the destruction of social rights, which undermines democracy while maintaining despair. It is a crisis that is fuelling racism, xenophobia, and the temptation to move towards isolationism.
Europe, as the former director general of the International Labour Office (ILO) said in June, is following a path contrary to social progress: "European countries the most affected by the crisis are diverting from the core values of the ILO … We seek to reduce public debt, but the social debt accumulates, and it will also need to be paid." The European Union is now an area of competition between employees and public services, which are under an increased financial strain. It is time we strongly showed our desire for another Europe, one of social progress and solidarity.
Throughout Europe, unions are opposing austerity measures that are sinking the continent. European workers are engaged in one common struggle: to pull Europe out of this downward spiral. Today's events will allow workers across Europe to act together to express their opposition to austerity and social regression, to demand better working and living conditions, and to advocate for the effective co-ordination of economic and social policies to help those who are most in need. We are calling for a new social contract and stimulus measures at European level, supporting both employment and industry.
• Bernard Thibault is general secretary of the CGT (General Confederation of Labour)
Greece: Tania Karayiannis: 'This is our only hope'
The constant deterioration of the economic crisis in Europe, especially in south Europe and Greece, has stirred a wave of reactions across the continent. The wisdom of the central political options laid out by the EU, and its persistence in implementing austerity policies that extend social disparities, are the most challenged issues. Governments are now confronted by their own citizens.
In this context, the policy pursued in Greece over the past few years, on the pretext of saving the country from the risk of huge public debt and bankruptcy, is socially unfair and has clear ideological features. It is expressed through the following policies: a continuous wage and pension cut, attacks on labour, social security and social rights, the heavy taxation on private property and the threat of further dramatic public services restrictions.
Such extreme neo-liberal policies limit the rights of all workers and vulnerable social groups, in favour of bankers and lenders. They are leading our people to poverty and misery. It is obvious that the solution lies in implementing policies promoting social justice, which would overthrow the doctrine of "competitiveness". There is no doubt that Europe needs a new orientation and implementation of policies that lead to stabilisation, development, progress and prosperity.
The common and coordinated struggle of the trade unions in all European countries is necessary today more than ever. This is our only hope for exiting the crisis.
• Tania Karayiannis is international officer and member of the executive committee ofAdedy, the union of civil servant employees
United Kingdom: Ben Rocker: 'This isn't a token action'
The Civil Service Rank and File Network called for action on 14 November to coincide with the European general strikes. But we also did it around very specific issues that workers here are getting angry about.
We're about to lose any semblance of decent working conditions. The government has subjected low-paid civil servants to a two-year pay freeze while increasing workers' pension contributions. Workers have less money and struggle to make ends meet. After losing on pensions through holding just three single days of strike action in almost two years of the dispute, the initial response from the Public and Commercial Services union was inadequate. As a result, a growing group from different offices started talking about pushing for action. I was inspired by what construction workers did last year: not only forcing Unite to call a strike over pay cuts and de-skilling, but also building up a momentum that beat seven big employers. It underlined that, if there was a possibility of winning this dispute, it would be thanks to us workers.
My hope is that 14 November is just the start. We've already been able to embarrass the union into calling protests on 30 November, now we need to rattle the Cabinet Office. This isn't a token action. We've been pushed too far, and we're fighting to win.
• Ben Rocker is a member of the Public and Commercial Services union and of the Civil Service Rank and File Network
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