Friday, September 10, 2010

ONE NATION MARCH on Washington

March on Washington D.C.
On Saturday, October 2, 2010, hundreds of thousands of Americans from across the country will gather at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. to demonstrate our re-commitment to change.
The One Nation March will feature human and civil rights leaders, labor leaders, environmental and peace activists, faith leaders, celebrities and sports figures – all marching together to help Put America Back to Work and to Pull America Back Together. And to help reorder our national priorities so that investments in people come first.
It's time to stand up and march for the change we voted for. Use the march resources below to plan and promote your trip.
March Resources
RSVP for the March
March Details - Everything you need to know about the march.
Spread the Word - Tell your friends about the march.
March on Washington D.C.
On Saturday, October 2, 2010, hundreds of thousands of Americans from across the country will gather at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. to demonstrate our re-commitment to change.
The One Nation March will feature human and civil rights leaders, labor leaders, environmental and peace activists, faith leaders, celebrities and sports figures – all marching together to help Put America Back to Work and to Pull America Back Together. And to help reorder our national priorities so that investments in people come first.
It's time to stand up and march for the change we voted for. Use the march resources below to plan and promote your trip.
March Resources
RSVP for the March
March Details - Everything you need to know about the march.
Spread the Word - Tell your friends about the march.
Downloads - Downloads

William Floyd

Letter to Progressive Caucus Members


Dear Progressive Caucus Member,

Progressive Democrats across the country invite YOU and a select
Group of Caucus Members to visit Caracas, Venezuela this weekend.

There you can see the evidence, so painstakingly collected by
American lawyer Eva Golinger (“Washington’s War on Venezuela”)

90,000 U.S. assault MARINES are awaiting orders to invade VENEZUELA.
These heavily armed Marines are aboard 46 advanced U.S. Navy attack vessels.
They sail ominously 50 miles off the Venezuelan Coast (LA-Catalina). The 4th Fleet is armed with thousands of fighter aircraft, Seahawk copters and the latest landing craft. The U.S. Navy (bitter over exclusion from the Iraq-Afghan occupations) prowls between a new Navy base in Costa Rica, new U.S. Navy bases in Colombia, and new bases on the Dutch islands Curacao and Aruba.

In the capital city of Caracas, hundreds of U.S. State Dept. and CIA spies and saboteurs are doling out hundreds of millions of U.S. Taxpayer funds to steal the Venezuelan ELECTION, September 26th, 2010.

State Department has been militarized to work more 'smoothly' with the war machine. State/CIA spies and saboteurs work from an alphabet soup of semi-secret agencies: USAID, NED, OTI, DAI, IRI, NDI, CIPE, ACILS.

Forebears of these CIA/State spooks assisted the coup d'etat against Salvador Allende in Chile (1973). These same spooks helped the murderous Contras, and battled to overturn the Nicaraguan democracy, the Haitian democracy, and the Honduran democracy. Taxpayers paid for this unconstitutional criminality.


Congress Members junket to Caracas before September 26 Election. They could interview the local State Dept spooks about the waste of recession-starved taxpayer funds. Are these scarce dollars being lavished on Coup plotters and professional mercenaries contrary to U.S. LAW?

William Floyd 9/11/10