... and wouldn't let go until a short time ago.
Anonymous had been in control of the Klan's main Twitter account @KuKluxKlanUSA since 9 this morning, posting its own pictures on the racists' account and using the hashtags, #OpKKK #Ferguson and #lulz.
Anonymous issued this video explaining its actions. Anonymous took action after the Klan threatened protesters in Ferguson with lethal force.
The Klan is "very upset."
The Klan also threatened a a reporter who taped the call and posted the threats: "We'll be watching you." etc.
Meanwhile the Klan set up a second account, @YourKKKcentral where it issued threats "to call the FBI!" Anonymous quickly took controls of that account too.
Anonymous declared cyber war after the Klan threatened Ferguson protesters with physical violence. Using the hashtags #OpKKK, and #HoodsOff members of Anon have been pulling the#HoodsOff Klan members in the St.Louis and Ferguson area, showing their faces and other identifying information all day long. 
They also mentioned two Klan members who are Florida police officers. Anonymous unhooded one Indiana Klansman, Chad Burris, who displays an image of a klan man lounging on the connected bodies of two lynched black people. Anonymous mentioned the activities of the Charleston, West Virginia police lieutenant suspended last month for Klan activities.
There's a massive show of support in favor of the actions Anonymous took today. Here it is by the numbers.
Here are snippets from Anon's Twitter stream.
ZDNet has a wrap.
"KKK Twitter accounts insulted and mocked Anonymous on the microblogging site until Sunday evening when Anonymous declared a victory in the form of snatching the account of @KuKluxKlanUSA."