Thursday, August 4, 2011


112th Congress 2011-2012 Budget July 4th, 2011




112th Congress - Progressive Workers Budget

Promise to America

Hire America First

Gov't hires 4 million for green infrastructure, 4 million Veterans hospital Doctors and Nurses, 4 million Teachers, 4 million Fire and Safety, and 2 million Youth Bicycle Service Corps.

Longest unemployed hired first. Women/AA/Latino/Asian fair adjustments. Cost

$ 400B

All Federal purchases (DOD, DOE, DOL DHHS) must be 80% Made in America.

Bank 'Casino' Bailouts Must be Repaid (

Recapture Trillions Fed used to cover Wall St. gambling losses. Earn $ 16,000B

'Glass/Steagall Act'. Recover Wall St. tarpsters illegal bonuses. Earn $ 150B

Big Monopolies Too Big for Democracy

Break up each Wall St. 'shadow bank' / swaps-casino into 12 clean, lending banks.

Freeze 10-15 million deed-less, robo-signed, and fraudulent Home Foreclosures.

  • Move Families back into their Homes. Workout fresh, affordable loan terms.

Pres. Reagan jailed 1000 S&L Execs. Silent DOJ risks a deeper 2nd Wall St. Crash

Penny fee on swaps, derivatives, mega opaque Wall St fantasies. Earn $ 250B

Investigate speculation/price fixing/inside trades by Oil/Bank traders. Earn $ 50B

25% Severance fee for Oil/Gas Corps. Repeal $21 Billion oil subsidies. Earn $ 121B

Federal Reserve Reform and Agency Trimming
Dissolve the Fed into Treasury. Hire Reich, Stiglitz, Ribini, Krugman, R.D. Woolf.

Defund World Bank, IMF, WTO, US AID, NED, OTI, IRI, NDI et al. Save $ 100B

Defund all Foreign Aid until the current financial crisis subsides. Save $ 100B

Close FEMA camps. Cut Homeland Security budget 75%. Save $ Billions

Emergency Labor Reform

Pass E.F.C.A. DOL helps workers organize Unions in new green industries.

DOL assists Patriotic efforts to halt off-shoring factories by filing for Eminent Domain.

DOL assists Patriotic American workers' right to collectively bargain as Unions.

Government and Corp Spying on Americans Must Stop

Repeal un-Constitutional “Patriot” Act. End phone spying; net/email snooping.

Reduce Security clearances, declassify documents 75%. DOJ: Prosecute FOX USA hacking.

Nuclear Weapons and Feeder Plants

Close 63 Nuclear 'water-boiler' plants on earthquake fault lines, cities, and rivers.

Repeal Modernization of Nuclear Weapons/Delivery Systems. Save$ 208B

Cancel Launch on Warning status of 2500 US Nuclear missiles aimed at Russia / China.

Congress Creates 50 Special State Banks (eg North Dakota)

Deficit crises crippling our States can be Assets of 50 new State Banks (viz. Ellen Brown).

DOJ Breaks Up Monopoly TV, Internet and Cell MegaCorps

Anti-trust vs. strangle hold of illegal Monopolies. Reverse AT&T & NBC/Comcast mergers.

Launch FM, local access / control TV in 100,000 towns and villages across America.

Reinstate the Fairness Doctrine, which worked effectively for over half a century.

Raffle unused wavebands to Youth/Senior Co-operatives. Program news / music.

Secure the Peace, Not Permanent War Machine

Exit 800 Foreign bases, 150 CIA rendition sites. Prosecute torturers. Save $200B

Exit Iraq/Afghan/Pakistan/Yemen/Libyan blood-soaked quicksand. Save $200B

Cut DOD Budget. 'Exceeds all world's defense budgets combined.' Save $150B

Presidents Lincoln and FDR/Truman fines for obscene War profits. Earn $ 25B

Collect fines from 200 defense Corps found guilty by DOD of fraud. Earn $ 10B

Breakup 5 Defense monopolies. Transform weapons industry into not-for-profit.

Emergency Foreign Trade Reform

Repeal NAFTA, Cafta plans to off-shore jobs. Halt all Corp subsidies. Save $ 100B

25% Tariff on off-shoring Corps who import products back to USA. Earn $ 50B

Close EX-IM Bank. Recover tax funds to export jobs and factories. Save $ 100B

Lower Small Business & Personal Income Taxes
Reduce personal Income tax rate under $1 million to 22%. Cost ($) Billions

Lower small business tax under $2 million Profit to 22% rate. Cost ($) Billions

Close International Corporate Tax havens and loop holes. Earn $ 100B

Pres. Nixon's Wartime personal Income rate (74%) over $2 million. Earn $ 85B

Capital Gains same as Income tax. Remove cap on SS Payroll tax. Earn $ Billions

Double Social Sec./Medicare to maimed hero Vets, Seniors, disabled. Cost $ 50B

Political Posts Available to Average Americans

Public financing for Congressional campaigns. Contests limited to only 30 Days. Outlaw Lobbying (Tax Code: Eliminate Tax Deduction for Corporate Lobbying)

Forbid foreign, Corp, or Union donations to corrupt Politicians. Save $ Billions

Supreme Court Reform 9-11

Expand an over-worked and increasingly activist Supreme Court to eleven Justices.

Comprehensive 'New Americans' Reform

Full Citizenship after certified period of bona fide work-study-family status.

Pass D.R.E.A.M. Act for serious students/new Citizens brought to US as children.

Close ICE / FEMA 'prison' camps. Release all New Americans, or grant bail.

Direct PC Vote for National Referendums, Local Initiatives

Secure Email Voting for National Referendums, and people-first, local Initiatives.

Black Farmers Justice

Deliver $1.5 Billion to tens of thousands of African-American Farmers discriminated against by the U.S. Department of Agriculture over two decades. H.R. 4783

PTA 2-3 wf

Native American, First Nation Lands

Delivery on Court Ordered payment of $3.5 Billion for royalties on billions of barrels of oil and natural gas extracted from Native American, First Nation Lands. H.R. 4783

Health Emergencies and Current Crises

Emergency Moratorium on 500 Hydraulic Fracturing wells poisoning water in 32 States.

Emergency Moratorium on Keystone's dirty tar sands trans-America Pipeline (leaks).

FDA investigates unsanitary and cruel animal / fowl treatment at 1000s of Factory farms.

Non-Intervention, Respect for Sovereignty

US and DOD apologize to the People of Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Libya.

US provides Iraq adequate Reconstruction Funds for safe water / 24 hour electricity.

US finances radiation clean-up of fragments of depleted Uranium (Iraq/Afghanistan).

Freedom of the Press – Protection of Whistleblowers

US Congressional Medal of Courage award to Free Press hero Julian Assange

and WikiLeaks. Cessation of all DOD and DOJ investigations of WikiLeaks.

DOJ launches investigation of the psychological torture by Quantico Marine Brig Commanders of American-British dual citizen Bradley Manning. Manning has not been found guilty of any crime. His degrading confinement violated habeas corpus, US Code of Military Justice, the Geneva Laws, as well as our own Laws Against Torture.

Fresh DOJ Investigation of V.P. Cheney's Role in 9-11

DOJ investigation of VP Dick Cheney's role as Senior Politician in charge of five NORAD Exercises. Cheney's exercises removed crucial fighter plane defense from New York, New England, and Washington DC on Sept. 10th and Sept. 11th, 2001.

Repeal Un-Constitutional DOMA

Repeal Defense of Marriage Act. DOJ must vigorously enforce Equal Rights for all LGBT.

New US Embassy

US recognizes Palestine as an independent Nation State. US builds Embassy in Palestine.

US helps Palestinians export their crafts, and products from Gaza. US accelerates imports of emergency food, medical, building materials, and all business products into Gaza.

Saluting The Women's Caucus in The U.S. Congress

The Family and Medical Leave Act, The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA),

The Commission on the Advancement of Women and Minorities in Science,

Engineering, and Technological Development Act are proud and seminal

achievements of the Women's Issues Caucus in the United States Congress.

"PromiseToAmerica" by William Floyd

Progressive Democratic Workers for America