Thursday, September 8, 2011


F o r t H o p e

by William Floyd, PDWAmerica

In the middle of the 1930s Great Depression, President Franklin Roosevelt took the United States off the Gold Standard. 10 million workers were unemployed for 4 or more years. Neither mom and pop businesses nor conglomerates had customers.

FDR started the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), the National Recovery Administration (NRA), and the Works Progress Administration (WPA). The Federal government directly hired 11 million unemployed (and starving) Citizens.

To pay for this crisis emergency, Roosevelt doubled the currency of the United States.

After WWII, these US dollars were retired and the Gold Standard was re-adopted.

However, decades later, after killing over 1 million Vietnamese, 58,000 Americans dead, and years sinking trillions of dollars into the Vietnam quicksand, President Richard Nixon took the United States off the Gold Standard once and for all in 1973.

Today, our Gold sits in FORT KNOX performing no government function. Our Gross Domestic Product, central role in global trade less our Debt are the basis for the Dollar's fluctuation.

The British sold half of their “Strategic Gold Reserves” in 1999. At it's current stratospheric level, our Fort Knox Gold is worth about $6.5 trillion dollars. $6,500,000,000,000.

President Obama as Executive in Chief can sell a portion of this Fort Knox Gold. Our President could directly hire 20 million long term unemployed Americans for about $450 Billion per year. He can continue this growingly popular “Obama's Hire America First Program” for 2 to 3 years, if necessary, without raising Taxes. Excuse our repetition: “Without-raising-taxes,” or tea party cloned faxes.

It might be prudent to pay down the Cheney War deficits, and chronic damage from Bush's wealthy tax breaks with a 2
nd small portion of our Fort Knox Gold.

This Fort Hope program is presented as the “Lifeboat Option” by Union leaders, shop stewards, and Democratic Party leaders of

Progressive Democratic Workers for America, 9/5/11.

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