Thursday, August 22, 2013

Edward Snowden Poll: Hero or Traitor?

Poll Image
The total number of people who voted in this poll: 4,746
1)Do you think Edward Snowden is a hero?
 17%  voted:  No, his actions have harmed U.S. interests and its position in the War on Terror.
 78%  voted:  Yes, the U.S. government overstepped its boundaries spying on its own citizens and he is a hero for exposing it.
 5%  voted:  Not Sure.
2)Do you believe mass government collection of phone records and internet searches make America safer?
 13%  voted:  Yes, large scale government spying programs are necessary to keep American’s safe.
 84%  voted:  No, large scale government spying is turning America into a communist country.
 4%  voted:  Not Sure.
3)Do you believe government spying on American citizens is illegal when it is done without probable cause or a warrant?
 86%  voted:  Yes, American’s have rights from illegal “search and seizure,” NSA spying violates those rights.
 12%  voted:  No, it’s naïve to believe that in this day and age our government can keep us safe without some sort of surveillance.
 2%  voted:  Not Sure.
4)Edward Snowden had made it clear that he has more government secrets to expose. Do you believe Americans have a right to that information?
 12%  voted:  No, I trust the government does what they do for reasons to secure our country and our way of life.
 81%  voted:  Yes, I believe full disclosure is warranted after learning just a little of the surveillance activities the government has perpetrated against its citizens.
 6%  voted:  Not Sure.
5)Which political party do you most closely align with philosophically?
 10%  voted:  Democrat
 24%  voted:  Republican
 11%  voted:  Libertarian
 18%  voted:  Tea Party
 28%  voted:  Independent
 9%  voted:  Other

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